Thursday, March 4, 2010

Midterm Evaluation!

1. After studying media for eight weeks in this class, what have you learned?
I've learned alot about scripting. In the past I had never realized how many formats there were. I thought there was just one type used. It makes sense now that various media formats have various requirements in a script. I think some of the other basic principals would be new to me if I had not taken your course last sem.

2. What is the most important think you have learned about yourself as a: 1. Critical reader; 2. a writer, and 3. a critical thinker in this class so far?
1.Sometimes I read too fast and don't go in depth critically as I should.
2. I don't feel I have really learned anything about myself as a writer. We haven't really done any original writing so far.
3. As a critical thinker sometimes I need to stretch a bit more.

3.What's one thing YOU would do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take it again.
Give a bit more attention to the text. I feel I have neglected it a bit compared to MM&S and am consequently getting less out of the course.

4. Whats one thing you would like ME to do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again?
Maybe do a bit more with the toolsets. They were introduced, and then we didn't use them again for a while, and if then the midterm was on it. It wasn't so much a problem for me because of my experience with them last semester, but if the midterm is to solely be on the tool sets we should use them a bit more.

5. Please comment on the usefulness of the course blog, your personal blog, our films, and our book(s) as learning tools.
All the blogs have been very useful. They are one of my favorite parts about your classes. Being able to see what everybody says about the reading is interesting and helps me understand. The films have been good exercises and the book is all wheat and no chaff; that is, it's all useful info in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zach,

    EXCELLENT midterm reflections and feedback.

    I am glad the course seems to be working for you, for the most part.

    I hear you re: the tool sets - they are the FOUNDATION of any writer's trade, so we'll try to circle back around to them a bunch this second half of the semester.

    Here's to a productive second half of our time together.

    Let's git 'er done,

    Dr. W
