Sunday, April 18, 2010

Media Meditation the Fourth


What a wonderful set of three letters.

RSS lets me, or anyone else for that matter, easily keep up with whatever is going on in my section of the blogosphere. It's great. Using it I can train media to find me wherever I am. It is especially great that I have my RSS reader integrated into my desktop through Rainmeter. This is a very easy way to for me to keep up with whatever I am interested in. I mostly keep mine tied to Lifehacker, because I have always found DIY to be interesting. It is all part of the new convergent shift of media. Instead of having to go out there into the internet and either A. manage a big set of bookmarks, checking every one of them every day, or B, simply remembering the names of blogs or sites that I like, I can have them come to me with new content as it is delivered.
As someone writing in the new media world, RSS makes it very easy to keep up with what is going on in other blogs, so that you can comment on them and be part of the fun on yours. If there is a blog that you find to be particularly influential, then RSS readers make it easy to keep up with that, so that you can either talk about it on your platforms, but also be part of the comments on the page as they happen, rather than arriving late.

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